This mentoring is flexible to allow for short-term needs or long-terms relationship establishment — to provide input and coaching in any area including family, leadership and relationships.

  • An initial time together will determine need.  This session will also help figure out if what Kevin and Rooted Ministries offers might fit with the needs of a particular pastor.
  • Short-term mentoring – meeting approximately six times together over the course of six weeks to three months – to partner with the pastor as he/she moves forward on their healing journey as both a pastor as well as son or daughter of God.
  • Longer-term mentoring – meeting approximately 12-24 times together over the course of six months to one year. Same purpose: to help the pastor more deeply root their life in the healing love of Jesus – along with coaching concerning other connected issues of pastoring, family and community relationships, and life as a leader in the body of Christ.



All Rooted Retreats exist to help those who attend begin the healing journey of “rooting more deeply in the love of Jesus Christ” [Eph. 3:17-19] [Note:  Kevin will want to meet with the pastor once or twice during the days of the retreat.]

  • General Retreat Topics:
    • Why Jesus came – to heal the brokenhearted.  [Isaiah 61:1-3]
    • Our greatest need – to deeply know that He loves us. [John 13:34-35]
    • Shame – what it is, where it comes from and how to heal.  [Psalm 34:5]
    • The power of grieving and lament to set us free.”  [Psalm 30:7]
    • “How the love of Christ frees us to forgive our enemies.”  [Ephesians 4:31-32]
    • “The body of Christ – where His love, through our love for one another, heals our deepest wounds.”  [I Peter 4:8]
    • “The power of authenticity – taking off our masks.”  [Ephesians 4:25]
    • “Healing the gender divide in the body of Christ.”  [Genesis 1:26-27]

  • Rooted Men’s retreats — to more specifically apply the principles above to men – helping them to heal from their wounds, grow in their experience of the love of Christ – so they have a heart-full of love to give to their families and the world.
  • Pastoral Retreats in the Detroit Metro Area — to allow pastors to come away for a 2-3 day time of encouragement, healing and growth in their experience of the love of the Father. (These retreats are presently “under construction”. Available at a future date.)



Upon request, Kevin may come to your community to preach a message[s] around the theme of helping believers know, experience and live more deeply rooted lives in the love of Jesus Christ.




This is a comprehensive program that allows us to see the love of God trickle through the entire organization from the top down.

  • Two hour face-to-face consultation with the pastor – to get to know their heart, their personality, gifts, and passions as well as their concerns and challenges. This begins the process of forging a path forward together, rooted in the love of Jesus.
  • Shorter time with the pastor’s spouse and family – because obviously, ministry can be very hard on a marriage and family system. Meeting the family provides context for discussing the family’s health moving forward – so that they, too, can begin to find themselves on a path toward a deeper love relationship with Jesus.
  • Session with the staff and/or leadership team – since the pastor works within a larger system of leaders and caregivers. It is important to connect with them, hear their feedback and be able to share vision for what being rooted in the healing love of Jesus [Is 61:1-3] can look like not only for the pastor – but for all leaders in the body. 
  • Preaching at the weekly worship gathering – because being “rooted and grounded in the love of Christ” [Eph. 3:17-19] is central to the health and kingdom impact of every community of believers. Time with the larger body of Christ around this theme insures that the pastor, leadership team and the community are in this together!
  • A follow-up phone consultation to debrief the impact of the weekend – to see what might be helpful for the pastor and community in terms of partnership going forward.