Allow me to share a few more things about my heart and life – so that as you contemplate next steps for your ministry, you will have a deeper sense of who I am and perhaps begin to feel the ways we might partner together.
I was a lead pastor for 35 years in three very different kinds of churches and communities. First – a small rural church – then an urban/suburban church that became quite large – and finally, a very diverse, urban church located in a tough, gritty Detroit neighborhood. I have lived the shepherding life – and connected intimately with countless pastors from every background, gender, ethnicity and denomination along the way.
I am passionate about helping believers live in authentic community — across racial, socioeconomic and all lines of division — learning to truly love one another in the chaos of real relationships, learning to celebrate our differences, learning to stay together even when we don't like one another – so that the world will see a living picture of Jesus Christ.
I also am passionate about helping believers find freedom from childhood wounds — the ones that often keep us trapped, living addictively and in deep dysfunction – unable to experience true freedom in Christ. For me, this freedom has come through taking an inside look and learning to see myself and others through the Father's eyes.
The more you get to know me, the less it will surprise you that I am probably most passionate about God's love. In my book, “Choose and Choose Again: the Brave Act of Returning to God’s Love”, I take a deep dive into the topic of the Father’s healing love through many stories – including my own – of real, broken people from many backgrounds and walks of life. You might feel more of my heart in these pages than almost anywhere else.
Finally, in my spare time, I love to visit my grandchildren, read, lift weights, watch live sports, write and hang out with my best friend, and wife, Carla.
— J. Kevin Butcher | Loved by God
Carla and Me
It's hard to believe that we've been married for over 40 years. I often say that her love is the single most convincing proof to me that there is a personal loving God who loves me, too. We love to just hang out! Sometimes you can find us watching our favorite TV dramas or bird-watching on our back porch.
Our Family
We are deeply grateful for our three strong, beautiful, grown daughters, two amazing sons-in-law and three wonderful grandchildren (with one more on the way)! We don’t just love them with all of our heart. They are our heart.
Hope Community Church
HCC is a messy fellowship of human beings from every racial, economic, and educational background imaginable — with one thing in common: They own their emptiness and pursue healing through the love of God in Jesus Christ. I served as lead pastor of Hope for almost 16 years. Hope is still — and always will be — home.